
In Dyon, a thread is created with the go keyword. The type is thr, which defaults to thr[any].

fn find_sum(n: f64) -> f64 {
    return sum i n { i + 1 }

fn main() {
    a := go find_sum(1_000_000)
    println(unwrap(join(thread: a))) // prints `500000500000`

A thread runs in parallel.

Current objects are not passed between threads

Dyon does a clone of variables that are passed to a go call. The new thread starts with an empty stack. This means that current objects are not shared between threads.

There can only be one reference when joining

A thread must only have a single reference to it when joining. For example, if you store threads in an an array, you need to use pop.

Source code: examples/multi_threads

foo(i) = i + 40

fn main() {
    a := sift i 3 {go foo(i)}
    for i len(a) {
        println(unwrap(join(thread: pop(mut a))))

Some useful functions

  • fn join__thread(thr[any]) -> res[any] - waits for the thread to finish, then returns the result