Lifetime interop

The Lt enum describes the lifetime of an argument.

The most common lifetime is Lt::Default (no lifetime).

If you have a function like this:

fn main() {
fn foo(mut a: [{}], b: 'a {}) { ... }

Then the Dfn struct looks like this:

fn main() {
Dfn {
    lts: [Lt::Default, Lt::Arg(0)],
    tys: [Type::Array(Box::new(Type::Object)), Type::Object],
    ret: Type::Void

Lt::Arg(0) means the argument outlives the first argument.

Lifetimes must not be cyclic. For example, this is not valid Dyon code:

fn main() {
fn foo(a: 'b, b: 'a) { ... }

Lt::Return means the arugment outlives the return value:

fn main() {
fn foo(a: 'return) -> { ... }