Manual interface

A manual interface gives more control over the interface between Rust and Dyon. This is the only way to write external functions that mutate arguments.

The signature of an external function:

fn main() {
fn(rt: &mut Runtime) -> Result<(), String>

These functions are useful when pushing and popping variables:

  • Runtime::pop - convert from stack
  • Runtime::pop_vec4 - convert 4D vector from stack
  • Runtime::pop_mat4 - convert 4D matrix from stack
  • Runtime::var - convert from variable
  • Runtime::var_vec4 - convert 4D vector from variable
  • Runtime::push - convert to variable on stack
  • Runtime::push_vec4 - convert to 4D vector on stack
  • Runtime::push_mat4 - convert to 4D matrix on stack
  • Runtime::resolve - resolve a variable reference

Getting arguments of function

Since the Dyon runtime uses a stack, you must pop the argument in reverse order. Before you use an argument, you must use Runtime::resolve in case it is a reference to a variable:

fn main() {
let draw_list = rt.stack.pop().expect("There is no value on the stack");
let arr = rt.resolve(&draw_list);

Runtime::pop, Runtime::pop_var, Runtime::pop_vec4, Runtime::pop_mat4, Runtime::var, Runtime::var_vec4 and Runtime::var_mat4 resolves the variable for you.

Mutate argument

To mutate an argument, you need to obtain a mutable reference to the resolved variable on the stack:

fn main() {
let v = rt.stack.pop().expect(TINVOTS);

if let Variable::Ref(ind) = v {
    let ok = if let Variable::Array(ref mut arr) = rt.stack[ind] {

Return value

After popping argument and computing a value, push the result on the stack. Do not push more than one value, since Dyon only supports a single return value.

Reading from a Dyon variable

The Runtime::var function converts a value inside a variable:

fn main() {
let radius: f64 = rt.var(&it[2])?;

4D vectors

The Runtime::var_vec4 function converts to a vec4 convertible type:

fn main() {
let color: [f32; 4] = rt.var_vec4(&it[1])?;

4D matrices

The Runtime::var_mat4 function converts to a mat4 convertiable type:

fn main() {
let mat: [[f32; 4]; 4] = rt.var_mat4(&it[1])?;


Dyon keeps no track of variables in the Rust environment. You can use the Piston-Current crate to read from or change such variables by type.

fn main() {
pub fn render(rt: &mut Runtime) -> Result<(), String> {
    rt.push(unsafe { Current::<Option<Event>>::new()
        .as_ref().expect(NO_EVENT).render_args().is_some() });