
A comment is text to explain how some code works. Comments are ignored when running the program.

Dyon uses // for single-line and /* */ for multi-line comments.


This text is inside a multi-line comment.
It is ignored when running the program.


fn main() {
    // Can I ask you something?

A single-line comment ignores the rest of the line:

fn main() {
println("hello") // Prints `hello`.

A multi-line comment starts with /* and ends with */.

fn main() {
/* testing, testing! */

You can nest /* */:

fn main() {
    A comment inside a comment!

Tips and tricks

It is more common to use // than /* */ for documenting the code.

End a comment with a dot to make it easier to see where the line is ending:

fn main() {
// Alice opened the door
// by pressing a button.

You can use /* */ to ignore some code without removing it:

fn main() {

fn main() {

One technique that helps making code more understandable: Organize the code in paragraphs, like in a book. Write a single-line comment for each paragraph. Separate paragraphs with an empty line.

fn main() {
    // Print the numbers from 1 to 10.
    list := sift i 10 { i + 1 }

    // Print the numbers from 11 to 20.
    list := sift i [10, 20) { i + 1 }